Give Today
Please consider contributing to this extraordinary cause. All donations are tax deductible. With the exception of a few start-up costs which will be fully disclosed when finalized, all proceeds will go towards the goal of helping the people of Chad. The Board of five members are not accepting a salary of any kind.
Donate Here:
We encourage monthly automatic contributions for as little as $10/month to help supply food and over the counter medicines which are expensive and difficult to find.
These monthly donations help us project exactly where we stand so we can better serve the needs of the people.
Of course, a one-time contribution will be warmly welcomed!
We will keep you posted on our progress through this website. If we are successful, we would be humbled and gratified to know that we have perhaps saved even one person, but hopefully many more, from the miseries of ill health, thirst, hunger or worse, starvation. Thank you!